Tuesday, April 4, 2017

My Special place by Ella

My Special place by Ella
  1. Crashing waves
  2. Hot sand
  3. Very very hot sun
  4. People
  5. The end of the day         

My special place is at the beach under a pink and yellow  umbrella. I could just hear the calm waves crashing together with seagulls, it was lovely. I wish I can go there every day because I  love the beach and I am happy when I am there,  The waves  splash on me and it feels gentle. When they crash against the rocks the water is rough.

When I am going to the  beach, the sand is so hot sand on  my feet but  
when I am in the h my feet cool down. When I  get out of the water all the hot sand  grabbed on me and my feet were burning bad i was jumping around and i jumped in the water with gandules.

The sun was so hot, it nearly made  me faint. The only way I could go out into the sun was under an  umbrella. The water was nice and cold. I wish it would not be this hot, I thought.  I was  so  so  sweaty, I wished I could  make the weather different and it would be a fine  all day but not this hot.
There were over 70 people at the beach.  When I got in the water, it was so packed everywhere when my cousin came. I said to my mum “ I wanna leave now please”’
Mum said “Not now.”   
“OK,” I said. I was so so tired.

At the end of the day me and my cousin and our parents had ice cream. It was yummy. I had strawberry marshmallow and I loved it. My cousin’s name is Addy.  Addy had goody goody gum drops and our parents had passion fruit. We went out for chips and  they were hot so we had to wait for about 5 minutes. They were still hot but it was ok. After all of that. it was finally home time. We went to my house and we played and  played till 7.00pm.         


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